Lucent Constructing Production, Sales, Research System in China

Lucent Technologies, a global communications giant, is seeking a even better performance in China by setting up two new branch companies and expanding an existing one in Shanghai.

One branch, Shanghai Lucent Technologies Optical Network Co. Ltd, established today, is Lucent's largest research and development organization in Asia. It has received 30 million U.S. dollars as the first phase of investment, and will hereafter receive 20 million U.S. dollars annually from the parent company.

Shanghai Lucent Technologies Co. Ltd, the other new company, will mainly deal with sales, after-sales service, technological support and project management.

Lucent will also spend 25 million U.S. dollars to expand the workshop of another of its branch plants in Shanghai.

Harry Bosco, president of the optical network department of Lucent Technologies, said that all these measures show that Lucent has completed the building of a system covering production, sales and research in China, which will have an important impact on Lucent's performance in the country.

The U.S.-based Lucent Technologies is one of the world's leading telecom equipment providers. It already has seven regional offices, eight joint ventures and three wholly-owned companies in China.

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