China Draws up Program for Development of Forestry

The State Forestry Bureau of China recently finished drawing up the‘10th Five Year Plan’and the 'Long-range Program Through 2010' for Forestry Development.

According to the plan, China will strive to achieve the target of increasing the forest area by 11.5 million hectares, bringing forest coverage rate to 18.20 percent and the total forestry output value to about 500 billion yuan by the end of the "10th Five-year Plan". Natural forestry resources in key areas will be placed under effective protection, the work of returning farmland to forest will go on steadily, marked progress will be made in the control of soil erosion and in the prevention and control of sand, the area of nature reserves will account for 13 percent of Chinese territory and the deteriorating trend of the ecological environment in the valleys of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River will be brought under initial control.

The "10th Five-year Plan" for forestry construction will focus on the following: first, the ecological construction on the upper reach of the Yangtze River and the upper and middle reaches of the yellow River as well as the 10 major ecological construction projects in key areas; second, adjusting and upgrading the structure of forest industry, building economic forest bases and providing society with forest products and raw materials for industry, third building complete infrastructure to guarantee the development of forest industry, and fourth, increasing the content of science and technology, reforming the system of science and technology to raise the level of productive forces in an all-round way.

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