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Thursday, July 06, 2000, updated at 10:43(GMT+8)

Survey: HK People's Drinking Habits Improve

Hong Kong people have become more health-conscious thanks to continuous health education to promote drinking eight glasses of beverage a day, experts at the University of Hong Kong said Wednesday.

According to the latest survey results unveiled by researchers of the university, Hong Kong people's awareness of the eight glasses per day level of fluid intake has significantly improved from 47 percent in 1998 to 62 percent in 2000.

The drinking habit of citizens in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, in terms of actual fluid intake per day, is similar, the survey said, indicating that still 34 percent of people in Hong Kong and 38 percent in Guangzhou failed to achieve the healthy level of fluid intake.

Compared with the findings in 1998, more people in Hong Kong have coffee, tea and alcoholic drinks daily. Daily drinkers of milk and bottled water in Hong Kong have also increased in 2000 compared with 1998, the survey said.

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Hong Kong people have become more health-conscious thanks to continuous health education to promote drinking eight glasses of beverage a day, experts at the University of Hong Kong said Wednesday.

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