Qinghua Doctoral Students on a Study-Service Tour of West Areas

A dozen students studying for a doctorate in Machinery Department, Qinghua University got on a Yunnan-bound train July 2, marking the start of "Qinghua Doctors on a Study-Service Tour of West Areas", according to a news report by our correspondent.

In the coming 10 to 15 days, news report says, 100 doctoral students from Qinghua University will start on a study-service tour of 10 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in west areas in China. As planned for the tour, they will give a series of academic lectures and offer sci-tech services in contributing to west areas' development in economy, management, information, biology, environment, water conservancy, energy sources, and architecture. Apart from sharing information with various sci-tech institutional units in west areas on sci-tech successes they have achieved with their teachers in Qinghua, they will make a study into economic social developments in the west areas. With these, they also have plans to find out local enterprises' demand for technology and talents, help solve technological problems and develop cooperation at many a varied level and in various forms in west areas.

It is reported that in recent years Qinghua University has signed 356 sci-tech projects with the west areas, with a contract sum to over 76 million yuan.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/