Vietnam-China Economical Ties Have Vast Vistas: PM

Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai said in Hanoi Monday that the development of the economic- commercial relations between Vietnam and China has vast vistas.

He made the remarks when meeting Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Li Jiazhong.

In the past years, Khai said, the friendly and cooperative relationship between Vietnam and China has been greatly developed with the exchange of visits by leaders of the two countries.

After signing the Land Border Treaty last year, the two countries are now striving to solve the question of demarcating their border line in the Beibu Wan Gulf by the end of this year, the Vietnamese prime minister said, adding that this serves the fundamental interests of the two countries and conforms to the common aspiration of the two peoples.

Khai, also a member of the Politburo Standing Board of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, noted that Premier Zhu Rongji's visit to Vietnam last year gave a strong impetus to the development of the friendly relations between the two countries, especially in the economic-commercial field.

The economic-commercial relations between Vietnam and China, their bilateral trade and economic cooperation have enormous potential and vast vistas, he believed.

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