PetroChina Has No Plan for Issuing Additional Shares: Spokesman

Spokesman for PetroChina Company Limited (PetroChina) Cao Zhengyan said Monday in a statement that there were some errors in the reports recently released by some media about the remarks made by Wu Jinglian, an independent director of PetroChina, at a seminar held in Beijing.

Wu also made a personal statement on the Internet on June 29, 2000, to clarify those errors. In his statement, Wu said that what he talked about at the seminar was only from the angle of an economist. He did not refer particularly to PetroChina when he aired the opinion that the proportion for the government-owned shares should be cut in deepening reform of the state-owned enterprises. Wu only suggested that the state's ownership of PetroChina be reduced in the next three to five years.

PetroChina will strictly keep to its promise that PetroChina will not issue any new share in the foreign market within 12 months from its issuance of IPO (initial public offering), Cao said.

China National Petroleum Corporation also said that it will strictly honor its promise that it is not selling the shares at the international market within 12 months from PetroChina's issuance of IPO.

People's Daily Online ---