China to Overhaul Video Game Arcades

China plans to overhaul video game arcades throughout the country and close down businesses which are operating illegally.

The General Office of the State Council circulated a notice Friday, which says the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Public Security and other ministries are expected to make concerted efforts in the coming three months to put things straight in the trade.

The booming of commercial video game arcades has stirred up a nationwide debate here, as a rising number of Chinese adolescents are addicted to video games but neglect their studies and video game-related crimes are increasing.

The notice ordered that all video game arcades must be located no less than 200 meters from primary or middle schools, and must not admit adolescents except during holiday periods.

Internet cafes cannot offer video games, and computerized gambling machines are forbidden, the notice said.

It also stressed that the content of computer games should not endanger national security and social stability, contain pornographic or violent content, or ridicule traditions of ethnic groups.

The administration for industry and commerce will re-register all arcade owners and limit their business hours from round-the- clock to 16 hours a day maximum.

Meanwhile, the notice called for a halt to production and sales of commercial video games in the country, and said that the customs offices would crack down on smuggling of such products.

People's Daily Online ---