Chinese President Jiang Writes Editorial in Science

Science and technology should be the driving force for China's rejuvenation and sustainable development, Chinese President Jiang Zemin writes in the June 30 issue of Science.

In an about-700-word editorial titled "Science in China", President Jiang says that "the Chinese government is committed to establishing a favorable environment in which scientific creativity flourishes along with innovative commercialization, and in which management reform is a must."

"The advancement of science in China is essential not only for China's welfare but also for that of the whole world. Chinese scientists look forward to joining with their counterparts in other countries in contributing to humankind's common cause."

Jiang comments, "It is our solemn commitment that China's scientific development shall benefit all peoples."

On May 17, President Jiang accepted an interview with Ellis Rubinstein, editor of the U.S.-based magazine "Science", and agreed to write an editorial on the development of science in China on the request of the magazine.

Science is an internationally recognized journal on science and technology.

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