China Bans Export of Sand-fixing Wild Plant

The State Administration for Entry- Exit Inspection and Quarantine on Friday issued a circular to ban applications for exporting wild algae in a bid to protect the fragile ecological environment.

According to the circular, inspection and quarantine bureaus nationwide will stop handling inspection and quarantine on wild algae for export.

Wild algae and other sand-fixing plants play an important role in protecting the eco-environment, particularly grass.

But rampant picking and digging of the wild plants in recent years has resulted in the deterioration and desertification of grassland, seriously damaging the ecological environment, said the circular.

The State Council recently issued a circular which urged governments at all levels to stop local residents from picking and digging the wild plants, and take necessary measures to ban the trade of the plants.

Algae, a black hair-like plant, has been popular as the Chinese pronunciation of the word is similar to "facai," which means "making a fortune" in Chinese.

People's Daily Online ---