China Keen to Develop Ties with Germany: Premier

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji said in Berlin Friday that China attaches great importance to developing friendly and cooperative relations with Germany, calling for more German investment in China.

Delivering a speech at German Industry and Trade Council, the Chinese premier said both China and Germany are important countries in the world and that China attaches importance to Germany's important role in European and international affairs.

He added that China is willing to develop long-term and stable cooperation with Germany on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and mutual respect.

The Chinese premier said China appreciates Germany's adherence to the One-China policy and its refusal to sell arms to and develop governmental relations with Taiwan.

He noted that both China and Germany should cooperate sincerely, share prosperity and bring bilateral economic and trade cooperation to a new stage.

Last year, Germany's investment in China accounted for only 13 percent of the total foreign investment in China over the year, which was inconsistent with Germany's status, according to Zhu. He said that China welcomes larger-scale cooperation in investment with Germany.

The Chinese premier, who arrived here Thursday for an official visit to Germany, said in his speech that China and Germany should strengthen cooperation in a wider range of areas, including high and new technology and environmental proctection.

Zhu praised the German nation as a nation which always keeps its promises.

He also wished the Sino-German conference on environment protection, scheduled to be held in Beijing in December, a great success.

People's Daily Online ---