Syrian Ruling Party Confirms Commitment to Occupied Land

Syria's ruling Baath Arab Socialist Party reaffirmed commitment to the issue of the Israeli- occupied territories, saying it is a national right endorsed and recognized by the international community.

A statement of the Baath party, carried Thursday by the Arab Syrian News Agency, stressed the "firm and solid" stance of Syria regarding the issue based on relevant United Nations resolutions and the land-for-peace principle.

The statement was issued by the ninth conference of the Baath party held on June 17-20 in the Syrian capital.

A comprehensive and just peace in the Middle East should be based on the Israeli pullout from all occupied Arab territories and guaranteeing the Palestinian legitimate rights, the statement said.

"When Israel is committed to the pullout from the whole Golan Heights to the June 4 (1967) lines, it will find that Syria is ready to be involved in the peace process to achieve its objectives," it said.

The Syrian-Israeli negotiations have remained stalled since January due to Syria's insistence on Israel's pledge to a complete withdrawal from the Golan Heights it seized from Syria in the 1967 war.

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