Private Enterprises Pooling Efforts in Western China Development

Jointly sponsored by the State Economic and Trade Commission, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, the State Nationalities Affairs Commission, and Qinghai Province, a conference on privately-run enterprises participating in economic restructuring in Western China was held in Xining on June 27.

More than 1,000 civilian-run enterprises from eastern regions of China attended the meeting and over 2,200 cooperative projects were put forward by provincial authorities from Qinghai, Xinjiang, Ningxia, Gansu and Sichuan. Many projects in connection with agriculture, medicinal production and projects for environment protection have attracted attention of enterprises and companies from China's east.

Vice Director Li Rongrong with the State Economic and Trade Commission said at the conference that speeding up readjustment of the structure of industrial production is an important part of West Development. Western regions should depend on technological progress to develop industries special to their own, fostering new economic growth points and speeding up the reorganization of industrial distribution.

Enterprises from eastern regions have given active response to the projects. An estimated contract value totaling 10 billion yuan by participants at the conference is reported from the conference.

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