Zhu: China Respects Bulgaria's Road of Development

Zhu Rongji talks with Bulgarian President
Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji said Wednesday that China respects the road of development chosen by Bulgaria and hopes Sofia will play a bigger role in regional and international affairs.

Zhu, during his meeting with Bulgarian President Petar Stoyanov, said the Balkan nation has made remarkable progress in maintaining domestic stability, reinvigorating and developing the economy and in contributing to peace and stability in the region.

Stoyanov, for his part, expressed satisfaction with the smooth development of bilateral relations since his visit to China in 1998.He reiterated Sofia's long-standing one-China policy.

The president said he was glad that during Zhu's talks with Bulgarian Prime Minister Ivan Kostov earlier Wednesday, the two premiers reached agreement on further developing bilateral trade and economic cooperation.

Stoyanov expressed the belief that Bulgarian-Chinese relations, especially economic ties, will reach a new level with joint efforts by both sides.

The Chinese premier, who arrived in Sofia Tuesday on an official visit,also met with Bulgarian parliament speaker Iordan Sokolov and leaders of various parliamentary factions.

The Bulgarian lawmakers told Zhu that it is their political consensus to develop relations with China.

Zhu expressed his appreciation of the important role by the legislative bodies of both countries in promoting bilateral ties.

Bulgaria is the first stop of Zhu's tour of six European nations and the headquarters of the European Union. From Bulgaria, he will travel on to Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Italy and Belgium.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/