Education Forum: Integrating IT into Education

Efforts must be made to integrate information technology (IT) into education for all, an education professor from Beijing University told the China Basic Education Forum Wednesday.

Gao Liming pointed out that in modern-day society, IT has an important role to play in education, including decision making, sustainable development of education, and assistance and training programs for teachers.

Though application of IT in education requires huge initial input, it will improve the quality of education by expanding the scale and lowering the cost, Gao said.

Application of IT will also help push forward education for everyone in China, whose ultimate goal is to meet the basic learning needs of all children, youth and adults.

"Education for All" is a global initiative involving more than 180 countries. Its goal is to promote national strategies for providing basic education and international cooperation.

The forum is co-sponsored by the United Nations (China) Task Force, the Chinese Ministry of Education, and Beijing Normal University.

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