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Thursday, June 29, 2000, updated at 09:25(GMT+8)

China-Aided Fertilizer Plant to Be Set Up in Bangladesh

A gas-based granular urea fertilizer plant will be set up with Chinese assistance at Sirajganj, some 140 kilometers northwest of Dhaka, according to a memorandum of understanding signed between the two countries here Wednesday.

This will be one of the five urea plants the government has planned to set up to add value to the newly-found gas resources to meet future fertilizer needs, estimated at 310,000 tons in 2005 and 410,000 tons in 2010.

Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC) Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding with Chinese Chemical Engineering Corporation, Huan Qiu, to set up the giant fertilizer factory at Sirajganj with a production capacity of 1,700 tons per day.

Under the deal, Huan Qiu Corporation will carry out a complete techno-economic feasibility study on the cost and is likely to submit the report by August.

The state corporation BCIC now operates six urea factories with a total production capacity of about 210,000 tons against annual demand of about 250,000 tons.

Speaking on the occasion, Industries Minister Tofail Ahmed asked the BCIC and Huan Qiu officials to expedite their study so construction works for the industrial unit could be started as soon as possible.

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A gas-based granular urea fertilizer plant will be set up with Chinese assistance at Sirajganj, some 140 kilometers northwest of Dhaka.

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