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Tuesday, June 27, 2000, updated at 14:53(GMT+8)

Water Melon Festival Yields Profits

A water melon festival in east China's Zhejiang Province has become a successful trade fair.

During the three-day festival last week in Pinghu County, thousands of businesspeople went there to eat watermelon, drink wine, attended a forum on clothing and hold business talks, promising to invest 18 million yuan in economic, trade and technological projects.

Meanwhile, overseas businesspeople pledged to invest 7.46 million U.S. dollars.

Pinghu is not only famous for its good quality watermelons, but also well-known for its clothing industry.

With nearly 1,000 clothing companies, Pinghu is China's first clothing export county, generating an output of 6.45 billion yuan (about 777 million US dollars) last year. Some 95 percent of clothes were sold to Japan, Europe, the United States and other countries.

The county turns out 130 million articles of clothing, accounting for one percent of the country's total.

Local government officials said that the county will hold more cultural activities to attract businesspeople and tourists.

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A water melon festival in east China's Zhejiang Province has become a successful trade fair.

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