Gays March in Parade in the US

Drag queens and dignitaries shared Fifth Avenue in the always-colorful annual Gay Pride parade known as much for its politics as its revelry.

Gays also marched Sunday in parades in San Francisco, Chicago and Atlanta.

New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and U.S. Senate candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton marched in Sunday's event in New York, but Clinton's new Republican rival, Rep. Rick Lazio, chose to spend the day campaigning upstate instead.

The parade, which commemorates the 1969 uprising at the Stonewall Inn credited with sparking the modern gay rights movement, was led by Stonewall veterans in drag riding behind a rainbow of balloons stretched across Fifth Avenue.

San Francisco's 30th annual Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Parade, replete with dancing ``nuns,'' all-male cheerleading squads and drag queens in stilettos, attracted hundreds of thousands of revelers Sunday.

What began in 1970 as a meager procession followed by an unassuming ``gay-in'' at Golden Gate Park has become one of California's biggest events, and one of the world's best known celebrations of gay pride.

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