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Monday, June 26, 2000, updated at 10:56(GMT+8)

Li Peng Arrives in Kiev

Li Peng, chairman of the Standing Committee of the Chinese National People's Congress, arrived from Simferopol of Crimea Sunday to continue his official goodwill visit to Ukraine.

Upon his arrival at the airport, Li was given a welcoming ceremony held by Ukrainian Supreme Council Chairman Ivan Plyushch.

Ukrainian youngsters in national costumes presented bouquets of flowers as well as bread and salt to Li Peng and his wife Zhu Lin, who is accompanying Li on the visit. Presenting bread and salt is Ukraine's national custom to show their highest respect while welcoming guests.

In the company of Plyushch, Li reviewed an honor guard.

Ukrainian Supreme Council Deputy Chairman Stepan Gavrish accompanied Li from Crimea to Kiev.

While speaking to the press at the airport, Li conveyed the best wishes of the Chinese people for the Ukrainian people.

He said since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Ukraine eight years ago, traditional friendship between the two peoples has continued to grow, mutual understanding and trust has been increasing, and bilateral cooperation in the political, economic, cultural scientific and technological fields has kept expanding.

He said that during his current visit, he will meet with Ukrainian president, Supreme Council chairman and prime minister to exchange views on bilateral relations and international issues

of common concern.

Ukraine is the last leg of Li Peng's six-nation tour, which has already taken him to Yugoslavia, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia and Azerbaijan.

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Li Peng, chairman of the Standing Committee of the Chinese National People's Congress, arrived from Simferopol of Crimea Sunday to continue his official goodwill visit to Ukraine.

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