Russia Welcomes Syrian Stance on Talks With Israel

Russia on Friday welcomed Syria's readiness to resume negotiations with Israel as "an important signal confirming Syria's strategic choice in favor of peace in the Middle East."

Vasili Sredin, Russian President Vladimir Putin's envoy in the Middle East and the country's deputy foreign minister, said Moscow, a co-sponsor in the peace process, is "still convinced that the resumption of the dialogue will open up the way to resolving all Syrian-Israeli problems," the Interfax news agency reported.

Sredin's comments came after a statement earlier in the day by Syrian Foreign Minister Farouk al Shara that Damascus is ready to resume peace negotiations with Israel "at any moment."

Shara said the corresponding letter from the Syrian leader Bashar Asad has been passed to U.N. General Secretary Kofi Anan, who is currently visiting Damascus.

The new Syrian leader, however, has emphasized that his country will not give up its key demand that Israel return the Golan Heights.

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