Iranian President Calls for More Cultural Contacts among Asian Countries

Visiting Iranian President Seyyed Mohammad Khatami said Friday that different civilizations and cultures in Asia should conduct more dialogue and strengthen contacts.

In a speech at Beijing University, the president said that various civilizations in Asia started to carry out dialogue and exchanges long ago. Today, different thoughts, cultures, languages, and knowledge in the world are undergoing changes, thus urgently demanding more dialogue among civilizations, he said.

Khatami said Asian civilizations need to further mutual understanding, adding that more channels should be explored to promote dialogue.

The aim is to bring about common prosperity of different civilizations, he said.

Dialogue is not only a way to solve disputes between different countries, but also an approach to improve human life, Khatami said.

The president said that dialogue among different civilizations is helpful to the enhancement of regional cooperation and to the building of mutual understanding among the governments of different countries.

People's Daily Online ---