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Saturday, June 24, 2000, updated at 11:03(GMT+8)

Chinese National Granted Japanese Honor

The Japanese Embassy in China held a ceremony Friday to give the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star to Liu Deyou, former vice culture minister of China, president of the China Society for Japan Studies, and vice- president of the Translators Association of China.

The honor was presented on behalf of the Japanese government. Liu won the honor for his outstanding contributions in promoting Sino-Japanese friendly relations.

Liu, a former resident conrespondent for Guangming Daily and Xinhua News Agency in Japan, has done a lot of work in promoting cultural exchanges and mutual understanding between the two countries during his career.

He has translated some Japanese books into Chinese, and has been studying Japanese politics, economy, society, culture, as well as the language for many years.

He has produced a number of works in Japanese studies and the Japanese language.

The Order is given to those who have greatly contributed to the exchanges between Japan and other countries.

In This Section

The Japanese Embassy in China held a ceremony Friday to give the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star to Liu Deyou, former vice culture minister of China, president of the China Society for Japan Studies, and vice- president of the Translators Association of China.

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