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Friday, June 23, 2000, updated at 13:01(GMT+8)

Israeli Forces Arrest Three Jihad Activists

The Israeli security forces injured one of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad members and arrested two other activists on Thursday in Beit Sahour, the northern inlet to the West Bank city of Bethlehem.

The forces installed a road block near Beit Sahour in a routine inspection operation and opened fire on a man who got out of a taxi with his pistol. The man was severely injured, said reports reaching from Bethlehem.

The man, called Rady Safi, was hospitalized and the investigations showed that he is a Jihad member. The Israeli forces also arrested two Jihad activists from the same car, according to a Palestinian source.

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The Israeli security forces injured one of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad members and arrested two other activists on Thursday in Beit Sahour, the northern inlet to the West Bank city of Bethlehem.

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