College to Enroll One Million Students Via The Internet

About 800 Chinese universities and colleges will enroll nearly one million students via the Internet from 19 Provinces, Autonomous Regions, and Municipalities this August, announced an official from the Ministry of Education Tuesday.

Since June 16, the ministry has conducted experiments involving 13 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities including Beijing, Tianjin, and Liaoning.

Qu Zhenyuan, the director of the ministry's student department said that the five-day experiments aim to train working staff involved in on-line enrollment.

Over half of Chinese universities will try enroll students on- line this year. Last year, the education ministry tried on-line enrollment in ten provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities, as well as in over 400 universities including Beijing University and Qinghua University.

Chinese universities enrolled over 200,000 students via the Internet last year.

People's Daily Online ---