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Monday, June 19, 2000, updated at 18:12(GMT+8)

Fishery Brings Fortune to Peasants in Anhui Province

Anhui Province in east China now can provide 1.54 million tons of freshwater aquatic products a year, increasing by more than 27 percent annually in the past seven years.

The amount is 4.2 times the figure in 1993, the year the province launched a project to help local peasants make money by developing freshwater fishery.

The fishery sector alone generated an output value of 8.3 billion yuan in 1999, with a total of 17 million yuan paid in fishery taxes.

The development of the fishery sector has greatly increased the income of both local peasants and governments, according to officials.

In Huoqiu County, the per capita income of local peasant averaged 260 yuan last year. Other counties like Zongyang, Dangtu and Susong earned more than 10 million yuan in annual revenue each from the fishery industry.

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Anhui Province in east China now can provide 1.54 million tons of freshwater aquatic products a year, increasing by more than 27 percent annually in the past seven years.

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