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Monday, June 19, 2000, updated at 17:29(GMT+8)

Shanghai Banking and Insurance Go Online

The Great Wall credit card holders of the Bank of China (BOC) Shanghai Branch can automatically become members of and enjoy the service in nearly 1,000 stores and hotels at discount prices in this largest commercial center of China.

This business model is aimed at promoting local banking and insurance business and attract new consumers.

BOC Shanghai Branch launched China's first online banking business in June last year which enabled consumers to do online shopping and make payments on the internet. Later, the local branches of other banks followed suits.

Meanwhile, insurance companies like Taikang Life Insurance Co. Ltd also have gone online to promote their business. Consumers can get a clear picture of those companies' assets, business scale, credit information and business scope by browsing the www.jilee. com.

AXA-minmetals Insurance Co, Ltd, a Sino-French joint venture, has also started its own website to offer online insurance services.

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The Great Wall credit card holders of the Bank of China (BOC) Shanghai Branch can automatically become members of and enjoy the service in nearly 1,000 stores and hotels at discount prices in this largest commercial center of China.

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