34 Massacred in East Indian Village

Heavily armed gunmen shot dead 34 members of the Yadav community, including women and children, in a village in Aurangabad district in East India's Bihar state Friday night, police said Saturday.

This was the second major massacre in Bihar state. Last weekend, 12 villagers were killed in Nawada district.

Police said more than 10 activists of the outlawed Ranvir Sena, a private army of upper caste landlords, armed with self-loading rifles and sharp-edged weapons, swooped on the hamlet of Miapur and rained bullets on inmates after storming their houses as they were prepared to go to sleep at 11 p.m.

All the 34 people were killed on the spot while 10 injured persons have been admitted to the government hospital nearby for treatment, according to the Press Trust of India.

The killing appeared to be in retaliation to the massacre of 12 upper caste villagers in the neighboring Nawada district on the intervening night of June 11-12.

A total of 52 people have been killed in three successive massacres in Nawada and Aurangabad since this month.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/