US Cautiously Welcomes Korean Summit Agreement

The US government Wednesday gave a cautious welcome to the agreement signed by leaders of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and South Korea during a ground-breaking summit.

The five-point communique, signed Wednesday by DPRK leader Kim Jong Il and South Korean President Kim Dae Jong in Pyongyang, includes, among others, pledges on reunions for families divided for the past five decades and measures to boost economic ties.

"It's very important that they have signed this agreement," White House spokesman Joe Lockhart said, "but I think it's also very important that a process comes out of this summit that allows them to implement the important work they have agreed to in the last two days."

He described the agreement as "encouraging," but said "we need to look at what the process will be coming out of this meeting, out of this communique, to see how they will build on it."

"It's important that they keep this process going, and that they have some mechanism for continuing to build on the success of the last two days," he added.

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