Guangdong Provides Clean Water for Hong Kong

Yuan Zheng, head of Guangdong Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau, said the latest monitoring data shows that the water from Dongjiang River meets the quality requirements of the agreement signed between the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Seventy percent of Hong Kong's fresh water comes from Dongjiang River. Fresh water is supplied to Hong Kong via a 83-km river course that traverses 12 towns in Guangdong Province.

The province has published seven rules and regulations on protecting water in the Dongjiang River to prevent any further pollution from the fast economic expansion and the influx of transient laborers.

Guangzhou has also shut down or relocated more than 130 businesses along the river that have polluted the river.

Guangdong has completed feasibility studies in the construction of a water supply pipeline to replace the current open-air water supply river course, said Yuan.

The pipeline project, estimated to cost five billion yuan ( about US$602 million), is expected to be completed by 2003.

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