E-Business Lab Built in East China

An E-Business lab was set up in Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu province, Sunday by MeetChina.com, the Nanjing Auditing College (NAC), and the Shanghai Zhengxin Consultation Company.

MeetChina.com and the Shanghai Zhengxin Consultation Company will send specialists to give training programs in NAC and provide NAC with hands-on experience with real E-business cases.

NAC initially plans to recruit about 100 freshmen in the second half of this year majoring in international trade and economics. Specialists believe that China is lacking talented young people who excel in computer applications, English language, and international trade.

MeetChina.com, established by U.S. Business Network Inc. and China's Ministry of Information Industry mainly focuses on finding foreign importers for Chinese suppliers and listing prices for thousands of toys, factory equipment and other goods.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/