Education Reform Increases Tuition

Before the reform on education, students paid little money for their higher education. The educational system placed a heavy financial burden on the government, preventing it from finding the extra funds needed to help develop the colleges.

As part of the ongoing reform, tuition fees are increasing gradually. The increase follows three principles.

Zhang Baoqing, vice minister of education said:" Compulsory education will still be free. Universities will collect tuition according to costs. This way, the responsibility of higher education does not lie solely on the government, but is shared."

Despite the tuition will be increased, Zhang assured that local governments will not cut their funding for education. And, tuition will be based on a family's income. He also said that colleges and universities will be punished for inconsistent fee collection and any random increase of tuition.

Zhang said universities and colleges are required to provide financial aid in either grants or loans to poorer students, to ensure their right to higher education.

People's Daily Online ---