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Monday, June 12, 2000, updated at 16:26(GMT+8)

Chongqing-Based Chinese Teaching-Study Center Launched

Chinese Teaching-Study Base of Chongqing Normal College has been initiated Sunday, the first in west China among 22 others that have been set up in China.

The newly established Chongqing-based Chinese teaching-study center is sponsored by Overseas Chinese Office of the State Council. The center takes on the tasks of doing research and studying into various types of teaching/reading materials and textbooks for teaching and studying Chinese needed by ethnic/overseas Chinese abroad. Among the tasks are also included recruiting and training ethnic/overseas Chinese enrollees as teachers and providing them with a fine environment for studying and learning Chinese. When necessary the center may also send teachers for language teaching abroad.

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Chinese Teaching-Study Base of Chongqing Normal College has been initiated Sunday, the first in west China among 22 others that have been set up in China.

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