Fetus Discovered in Belly of 2-year-old Boy

Doctors with the Provincial Tumor Hospital in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province have discovered a fetus in the belly of a 2-year-old boy when performing a surgery meant to remove a "tumor" in his body.

The lifeless fetus was not fully-developed yet and about the size of a human fist, the doctors said.

The boy from Qitaihe city was hospitalized in late May because of acute pain in the belly. Doctors in the local hospital diagnosed the pain as a result of a tumor in the boy's belly. The boy was then sent to the Provincial Tumor Hospital for a surgery.

Surgeons explained that the boy and the fetus in his belly must be twins and the growth of the fetus in the boy's belly is a result of teratogenesis.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/