HK Government Supports Local IT Development

The Hong Kong government is committed to supporting the development of the local information technology (IT) industry by offering more business opportunities to the private sector.

Lau Kam-hung, director of information technology services of Hong Kong, made the remarks when he delivered a speech at the Bi-monthly Seminar on E-commerce for Small and Medium Enterprises Thursday in Hong Kong.

The IT professionals and practitioners also met senior staff members of the Information Technology Services Department (ITSD) of Hong Kong in a gathering entitled "ITSD Networking Hour" Thursday.

The event was one of the regular functions organized by ITSD to maintain close contact and communication with the local IT industry.

Outsourcing of government IT services is one way in which the Government is helping the local IT industry, Lau said. Another is by publishing information on IT projects and tenders on the government website to facilitate potential suppliers in bidding for the projects.

Apart from facilitating and promoting the development of the local IT industry, the government also finances technology development projects and researches undertaken by the industry and academia through various funding schemes, such as the Innovation and Technology Fund.

"Last year, we organized a Tripartite Forum to bring the IT industry, the venture capital industry and academic researchers together to promote the commercialization of IT research results," Lau said.

"This year, we will again organize this meaningful event which will be held on June 29," he noted.

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