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Friday, June 09, 2000, updated at 10:40(GMT+8)

China Telecom Expects New Breakthrough: Guangming Daily

A Guangming Daily reporter recently learned from Zhang Jiping, deputy general manager of China Telecom that his company, a newly established one, is considering new breakthroughs.

Zhang Jiping summed up the company's reform measures as "innovation of technology, mechanism and management". He said that in its next move, China Telecom will speed up the construction of infrastructure and intensify the development of new technology, business and products. Meanwhile, it will operate network element as a product, vigorously carry out the business of renting various network elements and gradually bring wholesale, exclusive sale or sale on a commission basis into reality.

Zhang emphasized that in the process of renting network elements, any action of raising prices without authorization is absolutely not allowed. The standard for the charge on renting electrical circuits is approved by the State. Above standard charges will be fined or confiscated. The charge standard for the renting of optical fiber will soon be published, which must be strictly followed and implemented in various localities nationwide, said Zhang.

Zhang also disclosed that China Telecom is actively asking for a cutting down on the charges. After being approved by the State Council or departments concerned, charges on international long distance calls and trunk line will be lowered dramatically. The structure and method of local telephone charges will be adjusted according to the uneven economic development and the difference in the level and habit of consumption in the eastern, central and western regions.

He said that the possibility of reducing charge for the first installation of fixed telephone and calculating units cannot be ruled out. China Telecom will adjust the price structure on the basis of cost and with due consideration given to the supply-demand relationship, and provide different optional services featuring the combination of various prices and functions to meet different demands and consumption levels of the clients

He admitted that it is very difficult to adjust telecommunication charges. All of the users hope the charge level will be lower and not higher. However, since it is a structural readjustment, it is certain that there are rises and falls. The final purpose is to formulate a telecom charge policy based on cost. The adjustment of telecom charges cannot always be a reduction. However,, considering the current expectations of the common people, the charges will not be increased too much.

Zhang Jiping also indicated that China Telecom wishes to be allowed to operate the mobile business.

In This Section

A Guangming Daily reporter recently learned from Zhang Jiping, deputy general manager of China Telecom that his company, a newly established one, is considering new breakthroughs. Zhang Jiping summed up the company's reform measures as "innovation of technology, mechanism and management".

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