Deng Xiaoping's Diplomatic Thinking Contains Many New Ideas: Liu Huaqiu

Liu Huaqiu, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the central government, said on June 6 that Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thinking, which inherits and develops Mao Zedong's diplomatic thinking and puts forward many new ideas, concepts and policies, is China's international strategy and diplomatic theory that meets the need of China's reform, opening and modernization drive and correctly reflects the development trend of the international situation, as well as the precious theoretical wealth of the Chinese Communist Party.

Liu Huaqiu said that in the late 1970s, Deng Xiaoping changed for the first time the saying that a world war was unavoidable and imminent, Deng stated that with the growth of world peace forces exceeding the growth of world war forces, it was possible that a large-scale world war would not break out within a fairly long period of time and there was hope for the defense of world peace. . Deng was the first to advance the theory that peace and development are the two major issues in today's world, pointing out the global strategic issues in the present-day world: one is the question of peace and the other is the question of development, but neither of these issues has been solved today.

Liu Huaqiu said Deng stated that China would not join any group, nor enter into alliance with any big power. With respect to all international affairs and issues, Deng said, we should independently decided on our own attitude and policy from the fundamental interests of the people of China and of the rest of the world and in light of the right and wrong of the case; Deng pointed out that no foreign country should expect China to be its dependency or would swallow the bitter fruit resulted from damaging its own interest.

Deng Xiaoping affirmed the "South-South cooperation" formulation, put forward the great concept of "one country, two systems". Now, this concept has been successfully applied in solving the issues of Hong Kong and Macao. It is also of major immediate significance for the solution of the Taiwan issue and for the realization of the complete reunification of the motherland.

Deng set forth the theory that a socialist country should be opened to the outside world, and that opening to the outside world should be a basic national policy for China's socialist construction. He pointed out that for socialism to win comparative superiority over capitalism, it must boldly absorb and draw on all achievements of civilization created by human society, including all advanced operational forms and management methods of developed capitalist countries, that reflect the law of modern socialized production.

Deng also put forward the new idea about "sovereignty belonging to me, putting aside disputes and seeking common development", thus maintaining peace, stability and tranquillity in China's surrounding regions. This new idea represents a great contribution to the peaceful solution of disputes over territory between nations.

Deng set forth the strategy and tactic which read: We should observe the situation coolly, hold our ground, act calmly, hide our capacities and time and be able to do and accomplish something. By following and implementing his strategy and tactic, China has been developing and growing in strength day after day.

At the time when Eastern Europe experienced a radical change, the Soviet Union was disintegrated and the world's socialism was in a low tide, Deng set forth the theory that the future of socialism remains bright.. In handling relations with the United States and the Soviet Union, he also raised many original views, principles and policy propositions; Deng first readjusted the previous practice of aligning in accordance with social system and ideology, he advocated that relations between nations should be handled from the strategic interests of the country, and that we should develop ties with all countries in line with the norms of international relationship by transcending the similarities and differences of social systems and ideologies, having no bother about historical resentment and refraining from engaging in debate over ideologies.

Deng underscored the need to establish a peaceful, stable, fair and reasonable international political and economic new order on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. He put forward the theory that "State sovereignty is far more important than human rights". He put forward the idea that China needs stability, so does the world as a whole, this represents the real overall situation.

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