Website to Build On-line Hope School

The , one of the country's top ten websites, will build an on-line Hope School as a donation to the poor areas in central China's Hubei Province.

The will invite dot-com companies to donate Internet- related products including software, hardware, books and digital home appliances over the coming month. Donated products will be auctioned on the and all the income will be used to build the school.

Xu Yongguang, secretary-general of the China Youth Development Foundation (CYDF), said the on-line Hope School will help children in poverty-stricken areas to share the same advanced education resources with their urban peers.

The on-line school will also help develop the virtual education, he said.

Project Hope, the decade-old charitable program founded by CYDF has helped nearly 2.3 million school dropouts return to school and established more than 7,800 Hope schools around the country.

People's Daily Online ---