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Tuesday, June 06, 2000, updated at 08:48(GMT+8)

Cyber Players Talk About Trends

With just a click of the mouse, a Shanghainese can order roast duck from Beijing, watch a cool soap opera in Seoul, reserve a hotel room in Montreal, or book a ticket to a show in New York.

A fantasy? Maybe not.

Residents in the Asia Pacific region will find more interactive cyber experiences if a high level information technology forum, starting from June 5 and running through June 7 in Shanghai, pays off.

The gathering includes mayors and senior officials from 44 cities in the Asia Pacific rim. They will join discussions with senior officials from big name IT global players in the International Convention Center, venue for last year's Fortune Forum.

It is the first time representatives of the Asia Pacific cities have gathered to talk about IT co-operation.

Such topics as how to get on-line faster, how to conduct e-business in the region, and how to incorporate new technology into people's lives will be on the agenda.

Deputy secretary-general of the United Nations Nitin Desai and other UN senior officials will join the discussion with Wu Jichuan, top official of the Ministry of Information Industry in China (MII), Chen Liangyu, executive vice-mayor of Shanghai and Jiang Mianheng, vice-director of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS).

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With just a click of the mouse, a Shanghainese can order roasted duck from Beijing, watch a cool soap opera in Seoul, reserve a hotel room in Montreal, or book a ticket to a show in New York.

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