HKSAR Financial Secretary to Visit North America

Donald Tsang, the financial secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSAR), will visit North America from June 7-17.

According to a Hong Kong government press release issued here Sunday, Tsang will have a series of meetings with business and political leaders and organizations to brief them on the latest economic developments in Hong Kong following the strong rebound in the Asian region.

"With the new economy helping to redefine what makes Hong Kong tick and the investment opportunities presented by China's imminent entry to the World Trade Organization, now is the time to be delivering a positive message to our vital North American market," a government spokesman said.

Tsang will meet various political and business leaders and media representatives in Vancouver, New York, Boston, Washington D. C. and Virginia. He will brief major credit rating agencies, heads of think-tanks, economists and academics on Hong Kong's strong performance over the past two quarters and the prospects for the medium term.

Tsang will return to Hong Kong on 18 June.

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