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Monday, June 05, 2000, updated at 12:53(GMT+8)

Brazilian Aircraft to Enter Chinese Market

An ERJ-45 passenger plane manufactured by the Embraer Aircraft Corporation (EAC) made a demonstration flight in Shanghai, China's largest industrial center, on Saturday.

This marks the entry of the Brazilian aviation industry in China.

Officials of aviation companies in Shanghai and Zhejiang attended the ceremony for the demonstration flight. EAC had already made similar demonstration flights in Urumqi, Chengdu, Kunming, Shenzhen and Beijing.

The Embraer Aircraft Corporation, ranked fourth in the world, produces small and medium-sized planes with 37 to 108 seats, which are suitable for feeder line transport.

Peter Obeysekere, deputy head of the EAC, said his company has great expectations for the Chinese market as the country has recorded annual economic growth of between eight to ten percent and is expected to join the World Trade Organization.

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An ERJ-45 passenger plane manufactured by the Embraer Aircraft Corporation (EAC) made a demonstration flight in Shanghai, China's largest industrial center, on Saturday.

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