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Sunday, June 04, 2000, updated at 11:57(GMT+8)

Inland Municipality Streamlines Rules to Draw Investment

Chongqing Municipality in southwest China abolished 44 licenses and approval requirements and 76 items of compulsory payments of companies so as to encourage businesses and individuals to invest in this southwest China industrial heartland.

City Mayor Bao Xuding said in Chongqing Saturday that the municipal government will abolish all local regulations that run contradictory to the central government's policy to accelerate the development of western China.

The city has also cut links between 207 intermediate agents and their former government sponsors. These agents include accounting, auditing and taxation offices.

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Chongqing Municipality in southwest China abolished 44 licenses and approval requirements and 76 items of compulsory payments of companies so as to encourage businesses and individuals to invest in this southwest China industrial heartland.

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