China Opens Ever-largest Domain Dealing Website

A website at ., opened on June 2 for domain dealing, it is a branch of China's famous domain name registration website .

Launching of the website will bring to rise a prosperous domain name registration market and a rising Internet industry in China.

China's Internet industry, with a domain name market long monopolized by others, lags behind other Internet fast-developing countries. A change will be made in this state of things in the country with an increased number of domain name registration organizations developed. A fact is that it costs one merely 400 yuan (approximately US$50 dollars) in every two years to register a domain name on Namesky, a sum much less than US$70 dollars on other foreign counterparts.

Domain name has been claimed for its unique feature as "Online trade mark" by many enterprises. Following a mature Internet-based economy to be developed, a good domain name can bring enterprises numerous business opportunities and this is why people like to buy a good domain name at great cost. To invest in developing a prosperous domain name industry, as a new network "washing gold" with a low amount of investment, at low risk and rewarded with a high proceeds, has been embraced by many people.

As long as two transaction parties register as members of the website, they can go in for domain name auction and bidding freely.

China will see to it that smooth transactions be conducted in international domain name deals and give advice on law, domain name transfer and other services, as is told by an authority with the website.

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