500th Stock Listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange

The Shanghai Stock Exchange today listed its 500th stock, the Zhejiang Gold Eagle Co., Ltd., according to China Securities.

The newspaper said this brings the bourse closer to its goal of becoming an international first-class stock exchange.

The bourse was launched in 1990 with just eight stocks. Over the past decade, it has developed from a regional market dominated by local stocks into a national market with companies from over 30 regions nationwide listed on it.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange has become a focus of attention for domestic investors and global securities professionals, the newspaper said.

It predicted that with the continued regularization of the Chinese stock market, the Shanghai Stock Exchange will face new opportunities and play an increasingly important role in the development of national economy.

Tu Guangshao, the general manager of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, said that the bourse will strive to attract more soundly managed companies with good potential for listing.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/