Guangdong Augurs Well for Geothermal Resources Exploration

Guangdong abounds with geothermal resources, ranking the third in the country, next only to Taiwan and Yunnan provinces as to the sequence of per unit area. The province sees a bright future ahead for its exploitation, according to Guangdong Land Resource Department.

Relevant data shows that altogether 299 geothermal fountains have been discovered in the province, with daily thermal resources amounting to 571,100-cubic-meter. Now there are 17 geothermal fields covering an area of 1,463 sq. km., and the initial exploration shows that the geothermal resource has reached 188,300 cubic meters. Among these geothermal fields, there are many others located in Zhanjiang, Maoming, Enping, Qingxin, Yangjiang, Xianzhou,Taishan and Zengcheng with a very high economic value and a great potential for exploration aside from that of Conghua Hot Spring and Dengwu Thermal field in Fengshun where the first geothermal power plant in China was erected.

Insiders say that among the 299 fountains, only one fourth has been developed and they are used mainly for swimming, bathing, breeding, farm irrigation against cold spells, winter rice seedling and bleaching. Some departments take this resource exploitation as a booming industry and a plan will be drafted for its exploitation and protection in an earnest way.

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