Sixth China-France Economic Seminar Opens

Sixth Sino-French Economic Seminar Opens
State Councilor Wu Yi said Thursday that the Chinese government will create a more relaxed and favorable environment and conditions for the development of enterprises and cooperation between enterprises at home and abroad.

Wu made the announcement at the opening ceremony of the sixth China-France Economic Seminar.

She said China has always attached importance to developing economic and trade ties with France, and regards Sino-French ties as an important component of China's diversified economic relationship with other countries.

She expressed the hope that the Chinese and French governments and enterprises will further tap their potential and take advantage of their complementary economies, so as to achieve further developments in bilateral trade and cooperative programs.

Former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing also attended the opening ceremony.

Sino-French trade has witnessed satisfactory development over the past years, scoring 6.7 billion U.S. dollars in volume in 1999. France is also one of China's major sources of technology imports, and a major investor.

People's Daily Online ---