West Development Not at Cost of Ecological Deterioration Demanded

By west development strategy will certainly be meant great advances in China's western areas, but how and in what way are things to be developed in view of a vulnerable ecological system involved?

There has therefore arisen grave concern and discussions over western areas' ecological vulnerability at the ongoing "China Mayors Forum" in Fuzhou, Fujian Province. An expert specialized in macro-economy points out that China's west development should pattern on sustainable development instead of keeping on developing an extensive traditional economy.

Wang Yiming, deputy director of Micro-economy Institute of State Economic and Development Commission gives the view that the traditional extensive economy gives little care about cost and ecological environment is absolutely not being wanted in view of China's current situation and international tide. He stressed that by sustainable development pattern, stressing on protection of resources and ecological construction, will be meant a sound boom in China's west development.

Sustainable development means, he said, to protect forests and vegetation from random felling or destruction and to protect water and soil resources at the upper reaches of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/