U.S. Farmers Visit Cuba

A group of farmers from Arkansas, the United States, directed by two Democrat congressmen are visiting Havana to explore Cuba's market, the daily "Granma" reported Tuesday.

According to this publication, the visit of this American delegation "goes against the blockage's designations, kept for over 40 years, and comes within the growing tendency of the Capitol and other strata of this country to promote a policy change" toward Cuba.

The delegation is made up by producers of rice, wheat, soybean, poultry merchandise, headed by Senator Blanche Lincoln, as well as President of the Federation of Arkansas' Farmers David Hillman.

According to "Granma," Lincoln "not only is partisan of sales of foodstuffs and medicines to Cuba, but also is among those who back up a new initiative in the U.S. Congress supporting plainly and clearly an end to the blockade."

The U.S. delegation met Monday evening with President of Cuba's parliament Ricardo Alarcon, Vice Minister of Foreign Trade Orlando Guillen, director of the company Alimport Pedro Alvarez, and officials from the Central Bank of this island.

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