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Tuesday, May 30, 2000, updated at 09:11(GMT+8)

Northeast China Art Expo Slated for Shenyang

The 2000 Northeast China Art Expo will be held from June 15 to 21 in Shenyang, capital of Liaoning Province and the largest city in northeast China.

The expo is expected to be the largest on its kind ever held in the city, local official sources said.

Artists, collectors, and visitors from all over China as well as some twenty foreign countries will attend the expo which will exhibit, exchange, and trade traditional Chinese paintings, oil paintings, calligraphy, sculpture, pottery, folk art, curios, crafts, and tourism souvenirs.

The expo will be hosted jointly by the Provincial Art Association of Liaoning, the Liaoning Art Gallery, and the Liaoning Cultural Relics Shop.

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The 2000 Northeast China Art Expo will be held from June 15 to 21 in Shenyang, capital of Liaoning Province and the largest city in northeast China.

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