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Monday, May 29, 2000, updated at 20:32(GMT+8)

Scientists Study Fastest Wheat Breeding Technology

"Winter wheat fast breeding technology" research, led by Wang Haibo, research fellow of Hebei Agriculture and Forestry Academy of Sciences, has shortened wheat breeding period from 8-10 years to 2, the technology lately passed expert assessment.

Li Zhensheng and Zhuang Qiaosheng, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that the technology has curtailed wheat growth period to 68-70 days, represents the fastest breeding technology, at a world advanced level.

The annual five crops breeding technology is one of the Hebei doctor fund projects, it was listed as a key project in 1996, which aims at solving the problems of long-time breeding period and low utilizing capacity of gene resources.


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"Winter wheat fast breeding technology" research, led by Wang Haibo, research fellow of Heibei Agriculture and Forestry Academy of Sciences, has shortened wheat breeding period from 8-10 years to 2, the technology lately passed expert assessment.

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