DPRK Accuses US of Deliberately Delaying Agreed Nuclear Project

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Friday accused the United States of deliberately delaying the construction of two light water reactors for the DPRK, a project it promised in a 1994 nuclear agreement.

A signed commentary in the Friday edition of the Rodong Sinmun newspaper refuted the allegation of "nuclear and missile threat" from the DPRK made by some U.S hard-liners, which was said would impact the Western-funded nuclear project under the 1994 accord signed by Washington.

The commentary described the recent U.S. legislation demanding "compulsory house and senate approval" of any U.S. transfer of nuclear facilities and technology to the DPRK, based on the alleged DPRK threat, as a move to deliberately throw hurdles in the way of implementing the 4.6 billion U.S. dollar project that has far lagged behind schedule.

Under the DPRK-U.S. deal, the United States should complete the construction of the first of the two 100 megawatt reactors by 2003 and the second one by 2004. However, Western officials have said several years of delay is inevitable.

Pyongyang has repeatedly criticized Washington for having only paid lip service as regards the project.

The DPRK said in the commentary it has suffered heavy economic losses as a result of its freezing of the country's nuclear facilities, and the losses are still increasing due to the delayed construction of the light water reactors.

The DPRK warned Washington of possible counter-measure as long as it seeks to delay the nuclear project.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/