Malfeasance Severely Punished

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Ministry of Supervision have published the cases about the malfeasance of two senior officials: Qin Changdian, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress of Chongqing, and Wang Shihui, vice-chairman of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

Their serious negligence of duty and jobbery has incurred a huge amount of economic loss of US$10 million to the State, exerting a very bad influence. This utterly irresponsible jobbery which regards State property as trifle must be severely punished according to law.

For a long time, it has been the view of some people that graft and bribe-taking to line one's own pocket is corruption and so must be dealt with and brought to justice; and that an act which may have caused serious economic losses to the State and collective, but it is not aimed at filling one's own pocket is not corruption and therefore should be forgiven and treated leniently. The serious malfeasance of Qin and Wang fully shows this is absolutely not the fact. Some leading cadres are utterly irresponsible for their work and used to serious bureaucratic practices, and neglect their duties, they have thus not only caused enormous economic losses to the State and collective, but have seriously tarnished the image of the Party and government, their jeopardy is by no means inferior to graft, bride-taking and getting personal gains, the losses they incur may be even greater, if such behavior is tolerated or allowed to go unchecked, it would mean forfeiting principle and committing crimes against the people.

Essentially speaking, graft and bride-taking and dereliction of duty and jobbery itself are twin brothers. The reasons for the serious neglect of duty and jobbery committed by Qin and Wang are that they have forgotten all moral principles at the sight of profits and forfeited the minimal Party spirit, principle and sense of responsibility of a Party leading cadre. Precisely because of this, when they decided whether or not to introduce the project, they refused to listen to the opinions of authoritative departments and experts and did things as they pleased; when they made an investigation tour abroad, they gave no thought to, and did their work in, a perfunctory manner; they paid money to foreign businessmen in violation of regulations and thus threw State capital to the four winds; they felt justified to accept the money and materials from foreign businessmen, and were keen on touring abroad to enjoy foreign landscape, it is by no means accidental that they were bogged down in the mire of practicing malfeasance in violation of discipline and laws.

Qin and Wang were severely punished according to Party discipline for negligence of duty and jobbery, they themselves were to blame; but the serious errors they have committed serve as a profound warning and of great education significance to leading cadres at all levels. Party organizations and leading cadres at all levels should learn a lesson from this case, and get an in-depth understanding of the serious harm of malfeasance and resolutely prevent the occurrence of this type of behavior.

First, they should have a high sense of responsibility for the cause of the Party and people, cautiously use the power in their hands to make decisions and scrupulously abide by and fulfill their duties. At present, as China is in an important period of further opening to the outside world and accelerating economic construction, leading cadres will frequently have dealings with foreign businessmen and domestic firms and manufacturers and often carry out the activity of making important decisions on launching projects and approving the use of funds. When studying and deciding on these important economic affairs, leading cadres must resolutely eliminate the abominable behavior of being perfunctory in, and giving no thought to ,their work, they should think of the State and the masses at all times and place the interests of the Party and people above all else, in an attitude of a high sense of responsibility, they should conduct thorough investigation and study, listen carefully to the opinions of related experts and the masses, they should make sure that each project and each sum of money are carefully planned, organized and used, guaranteeing the preservation and increment of State-owned assets and safeguarding State property.

Second, they should always be honest, should discipline themselves, maintain their personal integrity and take care of small matters. A host of facts have proved that dereliction of duty and jobbery often has thousand and one kinks with graft, bride-taking and abuse power for personal gains. A very important reason explaining why Qin and Wang have committed the serious mistakes of malfeasance is that they were driven by their personal and private benefits. In the process of examining and deciding on the introduction of equipment, they were greedy for the foreign businessmen's petty profit, as a result, they were blinded by self-interests and neglected their duties, causing tremendous losses to State assets and they themselves also came to a sad end. In conducting foreign economic exchanges, leading cadres must always maintain a high degree of vigilance because traps are hidden behind sugar-coated bullets and petty favors. They must strictly abide by the stipulations of Party discipline and State laws and be honest and discipline themselves, they must never do things for personal gains that harm the State and ruin themselves.

Third, it is necessary to establish and perfect mechanisms for supervising and restraining power and intensify efforts to investigate acts of neglecting duties. Party organizations at all levels should, in light of this case, profoundly analyzes and examine that in the regions, departments and work units under their jurisdiction, whether or not there also exists the problem that leading cadres act arbitrarily, violate the system of democratic centralism and refuse to follow set rules. From the distribution of power and the decision-making procedures, they should further establish and perfect the mechanism for conducting effective supervision and restriction on the exercise of power and resolutely eliminate various kinds of hidden trouble that would generate dereliction of duty and jobbery. They should toughen Party discipline, leading cadres who forfeit the sense of responsibility for work, neglect their duties and thus causing significant economic and; political losses to the State and collective must be subject to resolute investigation and serious prosecution.

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